How Big Is the Light?
Just as the sun can appear to be caught in a tree though we know it is exponentially larger than any tree, so too, the great unifying principles can appear to be smaller and caught in the challenges of the… (READ MORE)
Another Opportunity to Practice Yoga
Another opportunity. Another opportunity to soften, another opportunity to open to what is possible within limits as I attempt to work with yet another interface for the same blog. If the machines did not tell you, would you be able… (READ MORE)
“Get Local” Profile
Fine Weather for Walking
The past several days in DC have been perfect for walking. The mornings, for me, require a winter coat and gloves and a hat or scarf. At the warmest part of the day, the air is refreshingly cool, and I… (READ MORE)
John Friend Speaks About the Recent Departures (in case you haven’t gotten this from other sources)
How I Injured My Wrist (a Reminder)
About a month ago, I strained the top of my hand near my wrist as I was moving from uttanasana–standing forward fold to adho mukha svanasana–downward facing dog. I was certain that I had placed my hand properly. I always… (READ MORE)
Web Version of Fall Newsletter (Free Yoga, Annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser for Oxfam, New Props at Wm Penn House)
Dear Friends, Happy Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween. We are slipping into the time of year that is good for dreaming and introspection, while things get wild and windy outside. I can always tell when it is drawing to the… (READ MORE)
An Opportunity
Watching traffic blocked, standing hands over ears having to wait to cross the street as an ambulance races in an emergency gives us the opportunity to b grateful that this time it is not for us and also that the… (READ MORE)
The Danger in Taking Instructions Out of Context (and Satcitananda)
Those of you who are regular readers may sometimes wonder why this blog, which purports to be about yoga, only on the rarest of occasions goes into any detail about the physical alignment principles for asana. I just received a… (READ MORE)