Hoping for Bats
It was, I think, after having been eaten nearly alive when painting the exterior of my house, that my handyman asked me whether I wanted him to put up a bat house. “Oh yes,” was my enthusiastic response. “I love… (READ MORE)
It was, I think, after having been eaten nearly alive when painting the exterior of my house, that my handyman asked me whether I wanted him to put up a bat house. “Oh yes,” was my enthusiastic response. “I love… (READ MORE)
I enjoyed reading Amy Ippoliti’s blog entry on her first yoga class. My story is here (sorry, it takes two clicks), for those of you have not yet read it. What is your story? Does thinking about it help you… (READ MORE)
On Friday night, I went to a neighbor’s house for a “meet and greet” with Tommy Wells, who is running for reelection for the Ward 6 Member of the DC Council. I had received an email invitation and was thinking… (READ MORE)
Last week the supplemental electrical panel necessitated by living in “this Old House” was installed. The existing panel did not have room for the solar panels to be connected. Today, the DC Building inspector came, inspected, and gave approval (conditional… (READ MORE)
The camera may not lie, but it certainly, like our own perception of things relative to that of others, have a distorted or unique perspective. One of the essential principles of the yoga world view is that of maya or… (READ MORE)
What’s a gardener and concerned for the trees and the health of the planet citizen to do? I’ve got enough water in the rain barrel to water the vegetables and herbs once or twice, but what impact does that really… (READ MORE)
I brought sprouted lentil and cucumber salad to a potluck dinner at a neighbor’s house last night. The host had spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen. I commented that perhaps it wasn’t right that I’d brought a… (READ MORE)
Surely that’s what life was all about? Opening doors and peering through them–perhaps even finding the rose gardens there… (Colin Dexter, The Dead of Jericho) The good murder mysteries — the ones that teach much about human nature and do… (READ MORE)