Message in a Puddle?
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
There used to be more trees at the plaza in front of Eastern Market. When a couple died in the drought, instead of replanting, they removed the old tree and bricked in the space. Now there’s a puddle that evaporates… (READ MORE)
Not out of caution, but out of wonder, first someone pointed out the black snake to me and a friend, and then we pointed out the snake to others walking past. And how exquisite the mountain laurel.
Last week after Thursday night’s restorative class (just two left in the series–drop-ins welcome), one of my students said that now that class was over she was glad she had come. “I wondered whether I was too tired to come,”… (READ MORE)
It is a delight to be arriving at the time of season when cutting roses (in advance of dead-heading) and harvesting edibles (to make way for more growth) is a large part of tending the garden–full on reciprocal nurturing. Peace… (READ MORE)
First strawberries from the garden. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
When I read Kate Swift’s obituary yesterday, it lead me to think more deeply about a recent conversation I had about the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita, not surprisingly, is required reading for most yoga teachers. It is an integral… (READ MORE)
After I have been working and studying intensely, I sometimes find myself called to lie underneath the cats and read fiction. Just because it isn’t hard work, doesn’t mean I won’t find treasures that further my explorations. This bit, for… (READ MORE)
Dear Friends, One of the most captivating elements of dance as artistic expression for me is that it has the capacity to show the beauty in the full range of emotions. Whether the choreographer is telling a story or sharing… (READ MORE)