John Friend Blog Post on the Summer Solstice
I am looking forward to head up to Vermont to celebrate the summer solstice with John Friend leading the way. He writes about the solstice here.
I am looking forward to head up to Vermont to celebrate the summer solstice with John Friend leading the way. He writes about the solstice here.
I have a small tree in a pot; it will never grow large enough to fruit with exuberant superabundance. I will have a few precious opportunities to taste a sun-warmed fig right from the tree. My tree will also serve… (READ MORE)
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
Snowpeas, tri-color beans. Peppers. Cherry tomatoes, basil (blueberries and strawberries did not make it out of the garden). A student asked me the other day why I garden–was it to save money, he asked, was it for better tasting food?… (READ MORE)
I was truly grateful for this cloud when I was walking to Union Station on my way up to Willow Street early this evening to study with Christina Sell. She is here until Sunday. If you are in town, check… (READ MORE)
My studies today (it is a very rare day that I do not read some of a yoga text or commentary) included a mention of the body’s nine openings. The yoga treatises ubiquitously mention the “nine openings” of the body… (READ MORE)
Dear Friends, My apologies for any potential confusion. William Penn House IS able to accommodate Tuesday night yoga classes in June and the conference people. Please disregard previous notice, or, in the immortal words of Gilda Radnor, “never mind.” Hope… (READ MORE)
is catsitting. Hmmm. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
The key concept of yoga–satcitananda can be elusive, like all abstract concepts in the yoga philosophy and in other philosophies or areas of study. We are given metaphors and analogies in the texts to help us recognize when, through our… (READ MORE)
The hunched over woman lit a cigarette. Another man bummed one from her and leaned against the trash cans to smoke. Smoking helps make the bus come–right? Nowadays, I contemplate, or chant, or stand on one foot, or maybe post… (READ MORE)