Weeding (and the 5 Acts of Siva)
It took focused and intentional removal and destruction of the burgeoning weeds to reveal and give space to grow the exquisite asparagus.
To the wind howl and rage, I understand (and listen to) the advice, if one is fortunate enough to be in circumstances to be able to follow it, to stay indoors on the lower levels of your dwelling, and away… (READ MORE)
Only in Your Own Mind
It is ok to think you are the center of your own world as long as you remember and behave with the awareness that the world is filled with a collective of individual consciousnesses.
I am awed, as I have been every year since I moved here. The fullness of the cherry blossoms.
Be Here Now (Var.)
Happy Pi Day
Do you, too, find yourself unexpectedly observing holidays? I’d forgotten the day when I was moved to make pizza for dinner.
What Made Me Notice?
Yesterday was the first day of the season working in the youth garden at the National Arboretum. Something made me look up. A bald eagle perhaps 40-50 feet overhead before soaring higher. “Look; follow my finger,” I called to my… (READ MORE)