Signs Around Town (and Ananda)
From The Fortune Cookie Fortune Collection
Found Exhortation
At first glance, th e exhortation to love all and serve all (Ram Das has said Neem Karoli Baba gave him advice like that) may seem unreasonable and perhaps impossible. But the exhortation to love doesn’t require liking all or… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Ganesha and Some Two-Wheelers
The Whole World
Another Self-Induced India Photo Flashback (Roadside Temples)
Another self-induced India photo flashback after a long work day reading and writing at the computer with breaks only for shoveling snow and for eating and cleaning up. We were traveling on the bus when I saw the Durga temple… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Excerpt)
Kali on the Outskirts of Town
She was banished to the outskirts of town by the patriarchy, but the outskirts are nicer than the center of town these days (not actually sure whether the latter is true). She is unassuming on the surface and secretly wild,… (READ MORE)