On This Boxing Day
Numbers Around Town
Durga Vahana Vyaghra
Graffiti Around Town
Art Around Town (and Impermanence)
I wonder whether this mural, which has been here since before I moved to DC in the mid-80s, will survive the massive construction projects going on around it. If not, will I wish I had photographed it more? I’ve appreciated… (READ MORE)
Demon-Protecting Teacher
Garden of Endurance
I’m finding reentry more challenging than I first thought. I thought it might be helpful to remind myself of my travels–and that I travel to come home with more capacity to participate as much and best I can. The Garden… (READ MORE)
Hanuman Was Around
There were lots of images of Hanuman around where we were in the hills. I come home after this long break–far enough away and for a long enough time to be able to gain perspective–and think, given that I have… (READ MORE)