Call and Response
I went to a Lenten service for ceasefire that was led in front of the White House today. First there was a Catholic Mass and then an ecumenical service. I sometimes participate in religious rituals outside of my own, as… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Reflection (Prakasha and Vimarsha)
At the Thillai Kali temple in Chidambaram, and at other temples I am sure, but that was where I particularly noticed this aspect, there is a mirror on the altar, so that one also sees one’s reflection when watching the… (READ MORE)
What to Say When
It appears from my long silence here (but not on other social media, where I am regularly posting photos), whatever I might have to say about yoga has been eclipsed by the fact that when I think to write about… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Found Exhortation
Contact your local representatives asking for or thanking them for a permanent ceasefire resolution. Contact your federal representatives asking for or thanking them for working for a permanent ceasefire, tax dollars for humanitarian aid not bombs. Learn, listen, talk about… (READ MORE)
Standing Vigil
My walk in the neighborhood led me to Eastern Market this morning although I was not looking for anything in particular. A small group of people were standing at the four corners of 7th and C Streets Southeast, standing vigil… (READ MORE)