I hardly glance twice at the squares of sidewalk that are unmarked. But those that have fissured attract my eye–the beauty of the patterns and to the potential need to step more carefully. Peace and light, E — Posted with… (READ MORE)
Grafitti–Crocheted–Around Town (Happy Valentine’s Day Part III)
Found Objects Around Town (Happy Valentine’s Day Part 2)
Signs Around Town–Non-Verbal (Happy Valentine’s Day)
Sculptures Around Town
Found Objects Around Town
In a Tangle
In Which My Camera Sees the Good
It was one of those days when it was hard to get home. I’d gone to the museum to see the Harry Callahan at 100 and then went out for tea in Georgetown with a friend. I stopped on my… (READ MORE)
Devotion (Bhakti)
Much is said about devotion in yoga, and there is a great privileging by many of the path of devotion — bhakti. With no clear answers, I contemplate often what it means to practice bhakti, to be devoted in a… (READ MORE)