Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation
After a Welcome Rain
Misconception About Meditation?
I often hear people say that they cannot meditate. When asked why, it usually turns out that they think they are supposed to stop or shut off their thoughts completely. No wonder they think they cannot meditate. The mind will… (READ MORE)
From the Perspective of the Gods
Found Exhortation (Ineffective)
Have you ever noticed just how ineffective and indeed counter-productive is the exhortation to “cheer up?” Being told to cheer up, be happy, etc, when one is feeling sad or out of sorts can just make one feel worse. The… (READ MORE)
A Box of One’s Own
Chewing Gum Wrapper
Street art, litter, or both? How much of what we experience or consume or do can be perceived as both a positive and a negative depending on mood and point of view? Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)