Blog Posts on the Teachers’ Gathering and Being a Part of the “Institution of Anusara”
My friend Olga has written a series of blog posts reflecting on the Certified Teachers’ Gathering and what it means to her to to be a part of the Anusara community. I found most interesting the reflections on how Anusara… (READ MORE)
beauty is where you find it
We have a choice. We can emphasize what we don’t think enhances life (for example, an over-sized, gas-guzzling, suburban SUV with city plates) or we can focus on an exquisite reflection of beauty. That we see what optimally would better… (READ MORE)
Getting Ready to Go Back to the Office (and wanting to know more about derivatives and love)
Last week I chose not to read details of the state of the environment, the financial markets, the wars, the budget, etc, etc. I knew from reading emails requesting political action and contributions general information, including what happened in the… (READ MORE)
Track Work on the Red Line
I am writing this post as I sit on the Metro platform at Takoma, waiting for a train back to Union Station. There were already dozens of people waiting when I got here. I have been here for ten minutes… (READ MORE)
Train Ride Home from Teachers’ Gathering (Cary, NC to Washington, DC)
Blogging by Blackberry (after thoughts on discipline and freedom)
When I pause to think about it–something I try to do consistently with the fruits of technology–it is an extraordinary marvel that I can be telling stories to the world from a little device I am holding in my hand,… (READ MORE)
Windows That Open
When I first got to my room on the fourth floor of the hotel, the airconditioner was straining noisily, and the room was very stuffy. To My great delight — the windows not only open, but have screen and look… (READ MORE)
on the train
I am on Amtrak heading to the Anusara teachers’ gathering in Morrisville, NC. The train is surprisingly crowded and not surprisingly a whole different vibe than the train to NY. By day we will be practing and gathering in a… (READ MORE)
“Bob Dylan is a strange one,”
says the man next to me with a slightly interrogative inflection, while we are both looking at a photo of Dylan taken by Alan Ginsberg at the show of Ginsberg’s photos at the Nat’l Gallery. He is a beefy guy… (READ MORE)