National Cathedral
As I witnessed my cozy house shaking and rattling in this my first really measurable earthquake, I got a much deeper appreciation of just how quickly things can fall apart despite apparent solidity. It felt clear to my very core… (READ MORE)
A Reminder
Though nothing was broken, some things danced a jig and some fell in the earthquake. The quake must have shaken open the door to the basement. The cats, of course, immediately headed for that usually forbidden territory. Uma came up… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Dharma)
We tend to think of giving our lives in terms of willingness to die, but is not any life lived in accordance with dharma a life dedicated to the service of what is greater, one in which we abandon gratification… (READ MORE)
Magical Mushrooms
Expanding Your Edge
Thursday night, I took a dance improvisation workshop at Dance Exchange, the second in a series of three workshops. One of the exercises we did was in groups of two. The game was to do simultaneous improvisation. Without designating a… (READ MORE)
About a Can Opener
“Lady, do you have some spare change?” asked a man sitting on a bench with eyes glassed over from one or more intoxicants, which from one of the notes in the bouquet of odors included alcohol. “I don’t have any… (READ MORE)
Morning Walk
I could have focused on the mud and the litter in the park, and it is important to see all to try and make things better. It would be a shame, though, to have a day pass not noticing the… (READ MORE)