Outside the Federal Courthouse at Lunchtime
“Sometimes,” said the woman in red sitting outside the courthouse. “Sometimes you gotta,” she said to her co-workers, the red jersey Of her dress clinging to her ample curves while she kicked The granite ledge where she sat amidst a… (READ MORE)
Square Dancing (and Spacial Awareness)
Last night, I hopped on the bus and went from Capitol Hill to Columbia Heights to go square dancing. I haven’t square danced since elementary school, when we had two week sessions every year from third through sixth grade (I… (READ MORE)
“The mind and spirit become ripe…”
I have been indulging in reading the thriller Angelology (complete with stories of angels and the war between good and evil), which I picked up at the Books for America shop in Dupont Circle a couple of weeks ago for… (READ MORE)
Books on My Trip to California
The two books I read while I was traveling to California (San Francisco for the delight of it and Lucerne Valley to study with Paul Muller-Ortega): Home of the Dancing Sivan, India in Mind. The first I picked to bring… (READ MORE)
International Peace Day
It is hard to imagine even one day in a single year when we could lay down our country’s weapons. I am hoping that the upside of the rancorous budget battles will be an end to the United States’ current… (READ MORE)
In Which I Develop a Newly Expanded Appreciation for Dahlias
Last week, when my friend Suzanne and I were walking out of the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park to catch the bus back downtown, we came across an island of dahlias in the middle of the parking lot. … (READ MORE)
Ananda Tandava
Politics and “Inner Work”
The other day, an acquaintance whom I met through yoga asked in an email whether I was still into politics or whether I was now more focused on my “inner work.” He lives in suburbia and voted for both Bushes… (READ MORE)