Another Blink of Siva’s Eye
Another blink of Siva’s eye, another, As a friend has been saying, trip Around the sun. Decades from now, A parent walking in the woods with a child, Or one lover to another, or a forest guide Might point out… (READ MORE)
Quote of the Day
“Life is extremely inventive; it always finds the means to prove to you that you are still a little rigid and tense, still projecting somewhat, still expecting a little, still somewhat vulnerable, and it is this constant dialogue with reality… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Sauca?)
Boxing Day
The rain was just beginning to get heavy after a dusting of snow, and the wind was picking up. This time last year, I was looking at the bright colors of India. What was consistent was sitting for meditation. Peace… (READ MORE)
Happy Holiday Holiday
Found Exhortation
Signs Around Town (Seasonal)
It is mysterious that such wishes are seasonal. Do we not need love, peace, and comfort all year round? Should we not do our best to offer, share, and cultivate them all year round? Peace and light, E — Posted… (READ MORE)
Om Mane Padme Hum?
Day After Walk About
Capitol Hill Neighborhood, Eastern Market, House Office Buildings, US Botanical Garden, Barbara Kruger at the Hirshhorn, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington Monument, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial (Sculpture of Eleanor Roosevelt), Vietnam Memorial, Street Art on George Washington University Campus,… (READ MORE)