Found Objects Around Town
Probably intended to represent beseeching compassion or assistance from a judgmental male god, not a gesture meant to honor the light within each one of us. But I could be wrong; its the same hand position after all. Peace and… (READ MORE)
Contact Improv Curious? Or Experienced?
For those of you who have heard me talking about contact improv and how much delight in it I’ve found and how a steady engagement with this art form has influenced my asana practice, there will be a great opportunity… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation
Found Exhortation (and belated Happy Independence Day)
Found Exhortation (Partially Obscured)
Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation (and Happy 4th of July)
What could be more quintessentially American and also generally incompatible with authentic yoga teachings than the desire/exhortation to express one’s individuality? How can we really practice yoga and still honor this inbred privileging of the individual? Are there ways of… (READ MORE)