Just as I by complete coincidence was making ghee, the mail carrier misdelivered my neighbor’s Time magazine. The debates will no doubt continue. We hunger for simplistic rules that apply equally to all. So much easier than conscious and responsible… (READ MORE)
Found Lamentation
Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town
Selfie With Sign Around Town
Sometimes When the Complexity
Sometimes, when I step back in awestruck wonder at the complexity of human society and what it means to be engaged in rulemaking in that complexity, I like to take a moment and look at pictures from India, a whole… (READ MORE)
Irises at William Penn House
Signs Around Town
Website Glitches
My apologies. I’ve been alerted that some photos haven’t been appearing (giving one of those pesky and disappointing error messages instead) and email being sent through the website is generating a message (erroneously, I add) that my mailbox is full…. (READ MORE)