A Useful Tool
I think of the yoga practices as a useful tool. No more, no less. Striving for enlightenment or deeming anyone enlightened just creates problems. But maintaining a steady and well-rounded practice because it can make one a little happier, a… (READ MORE)
Found Objects Around Town
Found Exhortation
Found Exhortation
This Morning’s Randomly Selected Puja Card
Signs Around Town/Found Exhortation
An exhortation if we take it as a reminder that every moment is an opportunity to act gracefully and to respond graciously and to find and offer the highest good, no matter the challenge. Oh yes, I exhort myself. Peace… (READ MORE)
Crescent Moon
Thanksgiving Yoga (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, I am perhaps a little late in sending out this announcement. The time when I usually would have sent it was smack in the middle of the enmeshed and engulfing energies of the election and Hurricane Sandy. In… (READ MORE)