The Goddess(es) and the Green Tomatoes
When someone tells me I need to see the Divine I can get anxious that they mean I’m supposed to see whatever that person thinks is “the Divine.” I don’t think anyone ever should be required to do so by… (READ MORE)
Found Quotation
The trishula represents all the philosophical threesomes: sat cit ananda (being, consciousness, bliss); iccha, jnana, kriya (will, knowledge, action); siva and shakti and the dance of relationship between the two. The me and the you and the us–for where there… (READ MORE)
Found Quotation
Near U and 14th Sts NW. I was on my way to the stop for the 90 buses to head home after having taken a Feldenkrais workshop with Arona Primalani at Flow Yoga. Very deeply sweet way to explore consciousness… (READ MORE)