Found Exhortation
Be Here Now (Var.)
Found Exhortation
What we do matters even if it does not (or apparently does not) change the big picture. I find contributing in some way helps me feel less despondent, even if that is because I have occupied my mind with positive… (READ MORE)
Be Here Now (Var.)
Signs Around Town
I bumped into former neighbors on the street and one asked whether I was currently leading a regular, public yoga practice. I invited them to invite themselves over to my house to practice. This invitation goes to you, too. It’s… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Signs Around Town
Be Here Now (Var.)
Your Grief and Anxiety Are Valid
Yesterday, in response to the question, how was I doing, I responded that though I was personally fine, I was mourning deeply those suffering from the wars and disasters around the world and anxious about the state of this country… (READ MORE)