I didn’t leave the house for the third day in a row. I wonder whether I will ever again go to India or Spain or Italy or England. I found these puppets earlier this year at the little flea market… (READ MORE)
Do Not Under Estimate the Power of Giving Yourself a Hug, Especially If You Are Physically Isolated
Beet Greens and Garlic Chive Ramen with Spicy Miso Broth (Dried Pasta and Garden Greens Variation)
Signs and Blossoms Around Town (Red on Red)
Watching Water Go Down the Drain
I went for a walk with a neighbor–all the way remaining 6+feet apart and changing course to give others that we encountered at least that much space. It’s been a while since I’ve talked while I walked. Then I washed… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation
State of the Garden
I think during World War II, backyard gardens supplied something on the order of 40 percent (don’t quote me on this) of the nation’s produce. Were we to do that, how much it might contribute to alleviating any shortages–with so… (READ MORE)
Morning Walk
I have been walking earlier and earlier to be with those seeking communal isolation and not with those who simply have not yet managed to grasp that the severity of the situation also applies to them. This morning I was… (READ MORE)