Signs Around Town
Chance of Showers?
There might have been a violent thunderstorm here or there (completely missed my neighborhood), but things are desperately dry in the Washington area. Please conserve water (turn it off while lathering soap on hair and body, brushing teeth, shaving, etc)…. (READ MORE)
Afternoon Walk
After eating homemade popsicles. This week’s variation: lemon, lime, with white nectarine. The liquid was an chilled tisane with herbs from the garden; the sweetener, local honey. The farmers at the market were packing to go home. Tomatoes and peaches… (READ MORE)
Summer Greetings–Make[a]Shift (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, Yesterday, summer officially arrived with the Solstice, bringing with it blistering heat. Friend and student Jessica said at practice last night that it was as if Mother Nature–always in the know– looked at her wrist watch, said “hey,… (READ MORE)
Found Objects Around Town
The texts on sadhana — yoga practice — say in simplified essence that mantra is the fulcrum between the unknowable universal and manifest particulars. What language we use and how we use it can either lead us towards skillfully navigating… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
“What Is It?”
As I squatted on the brick sidewalk to take this photo during my lunch time walk, a nice-looking older man stopped and asked “what is it?” He was quite tall and standing at an angle that would not have showed… (READ MORE)