On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice
Found Exhortation
Signs Around Town
On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice (and Back Home)
Fall Greetings (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
I hope this newsletter finds you all as well as possible. It’s been a time when I’m feeling oh so fully aware of the vagaries of fate, the wildness of being, the play between the wholly unpredictable and the ordinary… (READ MORE)
Morning Walk
Murtis Around Town
When is garden statuary merely a decorative object and when is it a murti–an object of devotion, a representation of some aspect of the divine? It may well seem different for the artist, the person who chose its location, and… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden (Rescue Orchids)
These orchids were left out with the trash in the neighborhood yesterday. Though my bags were full from a walk to the farmers market, I did not want to leave them to perish when they could yet offer more beauty…. (READ MORE)