Asana, Pranayama, and Yoga Practice

Discussion of physical aspects of yoga (on and off the mat)

Prasad (and Opening to Grace)

During one of the sessions at the workshop last weekend in New Jersey, John Friend made a passing reference to the difference between receiving and taking.  He did not go into any detail because it was not central to the… (READ MORE)


About Money and Leisure and the Spiritual Quest (and the 99 percent)

Spiritual pursuit is, in a great sense, a luxury. Without enough time and money for leisure, when and how would we explore spirit? But where else would we find solace if not in spirit when we are suffering from deprivation?… (READ MORE)


“Jobs Not War” (and the Power of Mantra)

I walked over to the Capitol building at lunchtime to see the rally in support of the Jobs Bill.  As I approached, attendees were chanting “jobs not war, jobs not war, jobs not war, jobs not war, jobs not war,… (READ MORE)


Atha Yoganusasanam (and “Opening to Grace”)

Earlier this week I was talking to a long-time friend of the family (my father has known him and his wife for over 60 years; they have known me since I was riding around in the womb).  My parents had… (READ MORE)


Yoga Salutes Nonviolence

My friend and fellow Anusara yoga instructor Naomi Gottlieb-Miller just sent out advance information about the event “Yoga Salutes Non-Violence,” where participants will do 108 sun salutations together, and all proceeds will benefit the Abused Persons Program, Montomery County’s domestic… (READ MORE)
