In the garden before Tuesday night practice at William Penn House.
The trishula represents all the philosophical threesomes: sat cit ananda (being, consciousness, bliss); iccha, jnana, kriya (will, knowledge, action); siva and shakti and the dance of relationship between the two. The me and the you and the us–for where there… (READ MORE)
Found Quotation
Found Exhortation (Fill In the Blank)
Found Exhortation (Ambiguous)
What My New Smart Phone Is Teaching Me About Yoga
I spent nearly three hours talking with tech support just to get the phone authorized. And once that was accomplished, the guy helping me also was unable to figure out how to transfer my contacts from the old phone to… (READ MORE)
Doesn’t Everyone,
Found Exhortation
Found Exhortation (and Sadhana)
Have you done your practice (in Sanskrit–sadhana) today, whatever your practice may be? If you don’t yet have a regular practice, what do you think it would take? I recommend starting small–allow it to be short and what you like… (READ MORE)