What does it mean to see what is illusory? To see the illusion or to recognize that it is an illusion? Cultivate doubt, especially where you might expect illusion and delusion (such as political information on social media). Or when… (READ MORE)
Sometimes We Need to Figure It Out Ourselves Regardless of Consequences
How do we as teachers, yoga or otherwise, let our students find their own way, but still convey in a way that is heard that some things are best not experienced? I told her she would not enjoy jumping up… (READ MORE)
When you get conflicting, confusing, or unintelligible instruction, how do you react? Give up? Get angry? Relying on your own experience and knowledge, figure out what to do next, even it it was not necessarily what you wanted or hoped… (READ MORE)
More Thoughts on Consent
I’m pretty sure that I am not alone in wishing that I would be assisted or touched–in yoga class or elsewhere–exactly when and how suits me without my having to say a word. But permeable/bridgeable boundaries require clear and steady… (READ MORE)