I didn’t leave the house for the third day in a row. I wonder whether I will ever again go to India or Spain or Italy or England. I found these puppets earlier this year at the little flea market… (READ MORE)
Middle of the Day Restorative Yoga Practice
Do Not Under Estimate the Power of Giving Yourself a Hug, Especially If You Are Physically Isolated
Beet Greens and Garlic Chive Ramen with Spicy Miso Broth (Dried Pasta and Garden Greens Variation)
Blossoms Around Town
Today I was filled with grief and anxiety, having taken in the pictures of India and Palestine and Iran and New York and Italy and for-profit prisons in the US and cages of refugees at the border and the over-burdened… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Signs and Blossoms Around Town (Red on Red)
Watching Water Go Down the Drain
I went for a walk with a neighbor–all the way remaining 6+feet apart and changing course to give others that we encountered at least that much space. It’s been a while since I’ve talked while I walked. Then I washed… (READ MORE)