Sauca (and the blanket)
There are lots of ways to clean out a closet. Partly, it depends on what is in the closet. Per my earlier post about freecycle, I think that part of the practice of sauca or cleanliness, is making sure that… (READ MORE)
There are lots of ways to clean out a closet. Partly, it depends on what is in the closet. Per my earlier post about freecycle, I think that part of the practice of sauca or cleanliness, is making sure that… (READ MORE)
Between Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner I spent time with four cats in four different households. One is the cat who lives with me — Becky, who has been with me since she and her sister Henrietta were just under… (READ MORE)
I used to note the first day of winter as a marker of the long, cold and dark season ahead. Now I mark the first day after the solstice as the an opening to the light. In only a few… (READ MORE)
Went out into the backyard despite (or perhaps because of) the freezing rain. The greens had a thin coating of ice, but were still bright. Picked big handfuls of mixed asian greens, arugula, and chard. The ice cracked off as… (READ MORE)
I’ve been baking for holiday potlucks and gatherings. I enjoy the surprise and sense of offering of gatherings where everyone brings something of their own to share. These cookies are easy, attractive, and not as bad for you (if bad… (READ MORE)
The first of the niyamas or ethical restraints set forth by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras is sauca, which means cleanliness or purification. BKS Iyengar in his Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says that sauca is both internal… (READ MORE)
I’d been thinking about going based on the subject matter and the reviews. Studying and practicing yoga from such a Western perspective, I think it is important for me to understand more deeply how much and what of our culture… (READ MORE)
Many thanks to all who came out, got deep into their practice, and gave support to the Seva Foundation and the Willow Street kula. Per T’s request, here’s the playlist for the workshop: Mountain Chalisa, Krishna Das, Pilgrim Heart Sita… (READ MORE)
In The Yoga of Discipline, Swami Chidvilasananda says that we should eat in such a way that the earth is happy to have us as a guest. (See Thanksgiving blog). As I get ready for the holiday season — a… (READ MORE)
When I prepare to teach a workshop, I usually do a fair amount of background reading in addition to preparing the asana practice and contemplating the theme. Right now, I am getting ready to teach a workshop on the hidden… (READ MORE)