Reflection (and Distortion)
Exciting News—New Capitol Hill Practice Opportunity
Thanks to the gracious hosting by Woven History and Silk Road, I will be offering my first public, weekly yoga practice, since the beginning of the pandemic. It’s an all-levels, accessible, mask positive, donate what you may, yoga practice. We’ve… (READ MORE)
Be Here Now (Var.)
A Black Rat Snake
I have not picked up a snake since junior high when I was old enough to begin working and the days playing in streams and ponds pretty much came to an end. It’s not something one forgets. And today, there… (READ MORE)
Found Affirmations
A Skink
It has been a special day. I met a skink when we were weeding at the Youth Garden. First time I have encountered one. I am grateful for a life that is healthy and safe enough for such things. Wishing… (READ MORE)
Clouds During Partial Eclipse
State of the Garden
I spent most of the day working in the garden. As the darkness of the eclipse encroached, I thought what it would be like if I had not known in advance that it was coming. Would I have known enough… (READ MORE)