Found Exhortation
Another Spectacular Sky
On the walk home from Union Station after teaching the Friday evening gentle/therapeutic class at Willow Street Takoma Park. Come join us some time. It is a fine way to spend Friday after work “happy hour [and a half].” Peace… (READ MORE)
Tying Oneself Into Knots
Some think of yoga as folding or knotting oneself into pretzel-like shapes. No one wants to feel that they are tied into a knot in life, and those who make fun of yoga may do so because it seems silly… (READ MORE)
What Do You Think It Means?
Can you imagine looking at this photograph without ascribing to the image what you know of red and white stripes coupled with stars on a blue background and of a circle divided by lines in this particular pattern? How much… (READ MORE)
How Do You React? (and Dharma)
How do you react when you see signs of neglect, disinterest, disregard for the health and well-being of the earth and other beings? Do you get stuck in a sense of helplessness or rage? Do you think we’re all screwed… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Deferring gratification may make sense for all sorts of reasons–pursuing a goal, keeping on a budget, sticking to a healthful diet or lifestyle. But even if you are with discrimination (in yoga terms viveka) choosing to defer gratification… Peace and… (READ MORE)
Holy Cloud Formations, Batman!
“What I Like About Yoga”
As I read the news stories of the “failure” of the world champion gymnast who merely came in third and therefore could not continue to compete because each country can only send two gymnasts to the medal competition (that’s the… (READ MORE)