Signs Around Town (and Viveka)
Atha Yoga Anusasanam
Every day we begin as yoga practice, we begin for the first time from the place we are in. We have another opportunity simultaneously to critically assess and more optimally align and accept how we came to be in that… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Viveka?)
Signs Around Town (and a Word of Advice)
Fences, Freedom, and Viveka
Refining how and to what we say “yes” and “no” in the world is one of the purposes of the yoga practices. The dedicated yogin seeks ever-growing discernment (viveka) of his or her own limits for the purpose of living… (READ MORE)
Yoga Ideas Best Put Aside
I just received a yoga email advertising classes and workshops that quoted a well-respected teacher as saying not to listen to your mind and to listen only to your heart. I respectfully disagree. I do believe that if we listen… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
With compassion, love, and discrimination (in yoga viveka), we can do far more–for ourselves individually and for society and the planet’s ecosystem as a whole. If you haven’t already, please get out and vote. Peace and light, E — Posted… (READ MORE)
Received Exhortation (Tantra?)
I’d seen a photo on-line, and discussion before and after a friend took to the street and the park to write exhortations, prayers, pleas. I might not have seen it live had it not been directly on my way home… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Deferring gratification may make sense for all sorts of reasons–pursuing a goal, keeping on a budget, sticking to a healthful diet or lifestyle. But even if you are with discrimination (in yoga terms viveka) choosing to defer gratification… Peace and… (READ MORE)