Strange Light
I was again called outside by a shift in the quality of the indoor light. I went out onto the sleeping porch over the back garden. Neighbors whose house abuts my back garden on the perpendicular were also drawn to… (READ MORE)
I was again called outside by a shift in the quality of the indoor light. I went out onto the sleeping porch over the back garden. Neighbors whose house abuts my back garden on the perpendicular were also drawn to… (READ MORE)
Half moon, telephone wires, crepe myrtle
I regularly–as a meditative contemplation (bhavana)–ask myself how does my life contribute to perpetuating systems of injustice and harm to our whole eco-system? Then I contemplate what to do about it.
I’m spending the weekend via Zoom with Michelle Johnson, for a “Skill in Action” retreat, where she is creating and holding the space for exploring how we individually and collectively can act to bring more communal justice, through anti-racist action,… (READ MORE)
I don’t know how I missed this pickling cucumber before it grew to such enormous proportions. I’ve scooped the seeds and pulp and added some water to ferment for a couple of days. Then I will dry the seeds that… (READ MORE)
Here’s the garden after the thunderstorm. Please take some healing, grounding breaths and then take action about increasing federal military presence in cities with peaceful protests.
When feeling overwhelmed by the state of things, I’ve been trying to look for comfort not with the “old normal” methods, but in positive possibilities for the future–building community and sharing sustainable nourishment.