“I don’t know,
maybe it was the roses.” Thank you to all my neighbors who make their front gardens an offering of beauty.
maybe it was the roses.” Thank you to all my neighbors who make their front gardens an offering of beauty.
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
It’s not something I see everyday: a whistling old man sticking his thumb out for a ride. Pretty sure the first ride he will be offered (or would actually take) is the bus, but I imagine he will be happy… (READ MORE)
Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
I contemplate (practice bhavana on) the yoga principle abhuta (wonder) on a fairly consistent basis. When we can find wonder in sheer miraculous diversity of manifestation, we can enter a space of joy whence we can more likely respond in… (READ MORE)
In the plant world, we recognize that some plants get along more beneficially than others and some are better kept apart. Hmmm. Here is some good information that I just saw on one of the list serves I read on… (READ MORE)
It is extraordinary to think how one man can have had such significance in so many lives. This quote provides valuable insight and perspective: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the… (READ MORE)
I cannot tell from looking at the image on my Blackberry whether the words “faith” and “hope” that appear on this statue can be discerned in the photo, but they are there when standing and seeing the statue in person…. (READ MORE)
A place to drink in the beauty. For information on how to help preserve the azalea collection (which is under siege from budget cuts), please visit: “Save the Azaleas.”
As I walked through the neighborhood for the past couple of days, going from one place to another, I have seen hundreds of rosebuds. In enjoying the exquisite form of the buds before they open, I thought about the teaching… (READ MORE)