Signs Around Town
Down By the River
It was a fine day to walk down to the river.
What Did You Notice Today?
Be Here Now (Var.)
Signs Around Town (Tandava)
In the late afternoon, after it did not really rain again in this pocket of the DMV, I went out in the garden to get fresh herbs and greens to go with tomatoes picked earlier in the day. This was… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden
Even though not documented much recently, the garden has moved into summer effulgence. It is a place of curiosity, wonder, and delight. What brings you joy and nourishment in these troubled times that are calling for ever more engagement?
Guru Purnima
The fullness of the summer full moon, the moon of the weighty ones, the teachers of our teachers and our own and those yet to come. What is more human than a curiosity to learn and to share learning?
Notes on Practicing
On Friday, on the cusp between late afternoon and early evening, a friend, who has been under significant stress, came over to hang out for a while. I brought my friend up to the yoga studio, invited putting legs up… (READ MORE)