Sometimes 15 Minutes Can Make All the Difference (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends , As I went through the airport in each direction last week on my way to and from San Francisco to play and to visit with friends, I thought about how much our experience even of something as… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Vacation Photos (SF Bay Area)
Found Exhortation
Pretty Amazing
Do you ever pause and think about how amazing it is to be able to get jet lag. It is, after all, the result of moving so quickly through space that one becomes disoriented in time. Peace and light, E… (READ MORE)
Found Quotations
It is an essential part of any true spiritual practice to question and to doubt, to explore and discover what part of any proffered teachings are authentic for your own experience. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for… (READ MORE)
The texts speak of the siddhis–beings with great powers from the steady dedicated fire (tapas) of practice (sadhana). One of these powers is bi-location — that of being able to be in two places at once. A friend and fellow… (READ MORE)