
Where Ram Das First Met Neem Karoli Baba (or So I Was Told)

Having been brought to yoga by the Beats and the Beatles and having discovered Be Here Now not long after it was published (Quaker youth camp in New York in the 1970s—of course we did), this was a bit of… (READ MORE)


On the Walk Home From Work (Outside the Department of Labor and Across the Street From the Shelter for Those Without Homes)

Thinking about privilege, including the privilege to choose whether to take time away from the conflict and not think about it.  I’m trying to be conscious of that particular privilege whenever I find myself instinctively trying to turn away and… (READ MORE)



Avilokitesvara– god(dess) of compassion had one head and two arms. Zhe didn’t have enough ears to listen to all the stories of suffering, so one of the buddhas busted one head into eleven. Avilokitesvara’s two arms broke from the weight… (READ MORE)


On My Walk to Work I Happened Into a Friendly and Important Conversation 

Have you called, emailed, etc about the looming health care bill, about DACA, about diplomacy over military action? Please make it a practice. A weekly practice. Regardless of your assessment of the likely impact of your one small voice. We… (READ MORE)
