Preparing for Thanksgiving Eve Practice
When I get the studio ready for Wednesday night yoga class, I pick a puja card. I shuffle the cards and then pick a card from somewhere in the middle of the stack. More often than not, the card is… (READ MORE)
Curiouser and Curiouser…
Last night, I took some lovely photos in the rain when I was walking to get a massage (it is pretty awesome to get a massage on a Monday night; try it sometime and see how it changes your perspective… (READ MORE)
More Ways of Being Red
Heading to Another Light-Filled Day With JF and the Yogis
Signs Around Town (John Friend in Maryland)
Fairy Lights
A trail of fairy lights appeared this week in this alley, as they do about this time every year. I have thought about leaving a note for neighbor saying how much delight I get from this simply and perfectly executed… (READ MORE)