Occupy India?
I was not witness to the most abject poverty in India (both because of where I went and because of how I was guided). These makeshift, but semi-permanent shelters seen from the window of the bus made me think of… (READ MORE)
I was not witness to the most abject poverty in India (both because of where I went and because of how I was guided). These makeshift, but semi-permanent shelters seen from the window of the bus made me think of… (READ MORE)
It was just approaching the deep dark of the solstice when I left for places warm and light. Last week, when I got home, just by comparison to the sultriness of southern India, it felt dark. This morning, though, I… (READ MORE)
These stickers have been around town for awhile; I first noticed them during one of the big marches. I assume that it is meant to be ironic. The idea of fighting for non-violence, though, certainly highlights the degeneration of much… (READ MORE)
When I paused to photograph this marker on a DC sidewalk yesterday, I wondered how many hundreds of people have walked past it–once or hundreds of times–without noticing it at all. I connected this sense of acute awareness with a… (READ MORE)
Only after walking along the two lane streets in a sari and sandals, sharing the road with exhaust-fume spewing buses, three-wheelers, motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, cows, goats, dogs, street vendors, and pedestrians amidst dust, puddles, sewage, potholes, cowpats, dog shit, goat… (READ MORE)
On the last morning of the trip, when we were standing next to the bus (how blessed we were to have a well-driven, air-conditioned bus to take us through southern India; I was most grateful and conscious of its protective… (READ MORE)