In Between the In Between
Thoughts on Attribution and Lineage
What do we mean, exactly, when we say a thing is “by” someone? Yes, we are attributing the thing’s creation to that someone. But how is something just by us when it is based on all the input and teachings… (READ MORE)
A Little Bit of India
I cannot tell you whether the food is tasty or healthy or authentic, but something felt good about this truck that was at Eastern Market today. Please comment if you’ve tried it. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)
More Clouds
Found Exhortation
Found Exhortations (Pick One or Several)
Sun Burning Through Clouds
We need protection from the sun as much as we need the sun. The yogi philosophers could perhaps point to this pair of opposing forces/needs as an example of the elemental pulsation of opposites (spanda) that is universal to all… (READ MORE)