Photo of a Photo
“Please wait just a moment,” I asked my friend as we were heading home after a morning at the museums and a delicious lunch out. “What,” he asked, “another heart cloud?” I did not need to answer; he could just… (READ MORE)
Never Mind What Might Be Happening On The Ground
On My Walk Home From Work
With his camera, I took three pictures of one monk smiling At the Capitol. He was in his orange robe. I took One picture with my phone. Of three monks. Or Perhaps they were two monks and an accolyte. Here… (READ MORE)
With Morning Tea on the Catio
Found Exhortation
The artist who penned this exhortation here was highly unlikely to have intended it to have anything to do with “udyamo bhairava“–roughly, the upsurging of capitol “C” Consciousness. Siva Sutras I.5. But if one were in the mood, one (not… (READ MORE)