Day of the Dead Celebration
For the past few years, my friend X has hosted a Day of the Dead celebration. This year, it had not been in his plans. Enough of asked, though, that he is hosting a small dinner. The Halloween of candy… (READ MORE)
For the past few years, my friend X has hosted a Day of the Dead celebration. This year, it had not been in his plans. Enough of asked, though, that he is hosting a small dinner. The Halloween of candy… (READ MORE)
At long last, now that the leaves are turning color and leaving the trees, and the days are getting shorter, the solar system I had installed was turned “on” this morning. I am hoping to watch the meter go backwards… (READ MORE)
“Practical Sanskrit” just did a post on its Facebook page that discusses the nyaya (maxim) of watering the mango tree. When we water a tree with the intention to honor our ancestors and the earth for its gracious offering, we… (READ MORE)
I would not have seen this terrifying ad by a defense company in the metro soliciting employees of the army to buy certain weapons products. A clarion call to go green, to seek peace, and to invite ourselves and others… (READ MORE)
As those of you who are regular readers may recall, I have been working to use solar energy to provide most of my electric power. The solar installation was complete in late August, and the public utility responsible for changing… (READ MORE)
I would not be walking through Lincoln Park past a sculpture of Lincoln emancipating the slaves. There might not have been any slaves to emancipate. My great grand parents might not have made the trip from Eastern Europe to Ellis… (READ MORE)
I loved this collection of ties and sign outside the Studio Gallery in Dupont Circle. It served for me as a great reminder of the tantric yoga invitation to make and share art with our very being, with each other,… (READ MORE)