Preparing for Thanksgiving Eve Practice
When I get the studio ready for Wednesday night yoga class, I pick a puja card. I shuffle the cards and then pick a card from somewhere in the middle of the stack. More often than not, the card is… (READ MORE)
Curiouser and Curiouser…
Last night, I took some lovely photos in the rain when I was walking to get a massage (it is pretty awesome to get a massage on a Monday night; try it sometime and see how it changes your perspective… (READ MORE)
Guest Blog for District Kula “Giving Thanks by Sharing the Abundance (and Dana)”
If you haven’t seen it already on the District Kula website, please check out my guest post for District Kula on my Thanksgiving tradition–the Thanksgiving Day fundraising class for Oxfam. Many thanks to District Kula for inviting me to blog… (READ MORE)
Fairy Lights
A trail of fairy lights appeared this week in this alley, as they do about this time every year. I have thought about leaving a note for neighbor saying how much delight I get from this simply and perfectly executed… (READ MORE)
Thanksgiving Schedule and Greetings (Web Version of E-Letter)
Dear Friends , This weekend I will be celebrating our local Anusara community at the weekend workshops in College Park, Maryland with John Friend. I look forward to seeing many of you there. My good friend Jane, who in honor… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Roving)
Signs Around Town (“First Principle?”)
Because It Was a Beautiful Night
It was a beautiful night, so I went for a longish walk after work. I found myself drawn to the two “Occupy DC” locations — Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square (shown). If it had been cold and cloudy, as it… (READ MORE)
Remember When
Remember when these would have been costly and exciting toys–the latest technology–that would have been protected from theft and breakage. Now they are just a pile of partly toxic garbage, replaced by the newest exciting and expensive gadget. I do… (READ MORE)