Signs Around Town
Found Objects Around Town
Signs Around Town
Message from a Bird
When we were little kids, my mother told us that feathers we found were messages from birds. When we found a particularly pretty feather, we would pick it up and give it to my mother who would then read the… (READ MORE)
Petting the Temple Cows
After a day of teaching and more discussion and emails regarding the upheaval, I had a memory of petting one of the temple cows at Chidambaram. I was jetlagged and in sensory overload, and then I petted a most wonderful… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Statuary)
What An Exquisite Gift
Would the Sky Look Different to You?
The sky was a very pretty mixture of blue and fluffy clouds this morning. The first photo I took did not have the Capitol in the corner because the sky was just a little more lustrous and variegated facing more… (READ MORE)