The Power of Mantra (and “Alice’s Restaurant”)
Yesterday morning, on the listserv for the Friends Meeting of Washington, someone shared a link to the original recording of Arlo Guthrie singing “Alice’s Restaurant” as part of an email about Thanksgiving festivities. Usually, I scan listserv emails quickly and… (READ MORE)
Still More Color (An Appreciation)
Today, when I was thinking about that for which I am most grateful and taking a lunchtime walk through the neighborhood, I decided that my persistent appreciation for beauty is worthy of the highest gratitude. The ability always to be… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Walk to Wm Penn House For Tuesday Night Group Yoga Practice
Remembrance and Recognition
On this anniversary of my Grandmother Rose’s leaving her body and her daughter, my mother, entering hers, on this Armistice day though none in my lineage were warriors, I made in remembrance and recognition of my ancestors, this mala with… (READ MORE)
With Barbara Kruger in Front of the Hirshhorn (and Adult Spirituality?)
What Can I Say? It’s Hard to Resist This Photogenic Time of Year
Outside Inside
What we see in front of us depends on where we choose to go and what crosses our path. What we see reflected depends on what we bring to the picture (including how we look at things). Inner courtyard at… (READ MORE)