Quote of the Day
Found Exhortation (and Samskaras)
Over the years, our minds and emotional selves get clogged with junk unless we do something to clear things out and to avoid repeating old negative patterns (in yoga–samskaras). Our bodies, too, get clogged with junk energies that take us… (READ MORE)
Blustery Winds, Prana, and Yoga Practices
The other day was very windy–steady winds of 20-25 miles per hour and gusts of up to 30-40 miles per hour. I needed to go to work, so I had no choice about which direction to walk. That direction was,… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (Dysfunctional)
I don’t think anyone ever feels better for being told they ought to–whether emotionally or physically. To help someone else or our self to feel or get better, it is far more productive to offer well wishes or offer loving… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (Excerpt)
Signs Around Town (and Regret)
Regret nothing. Regret is nothing. Regret no thing. Is regret nothing? Is regret no thing? What a shift in perspective we can make by looking at something or saying something or thinking about something just a little differently than we… (READ MORE)
Mixed Message?
Mixed message? Not really. If you don’t hesitate to sit regularly each day for meditation at home, it will be a lot easier to wait for a seat at a restaurant. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress for… (READ MORE)
Disobedience and Isvara Pranadhana
MoveOn just posted this Howard Zinn quote on Facebook: “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because… (READ MORE)