A Walk in the Woods
It is good to get outside as often as possible. Though I spend most of my time in the city, by commuting and doing many of my errands on foot and by gardening I spend a good amount of time… (READ MORE)
Rose Garden
Statuary Around Town
Signs Around Town
A sweet offering, but not one that many noticed or accepted based on the color of the cuttings. Would more have accepted a sprig if passers-by knew that rosemary is said to improve memory and to symbolize remembrance and loyalty?… (READ MORE)
Clover Blooming
I have never understand why some work hard to eradicate clover from their lawns (lawns being for the most part an ecological travesty) when an expanse of clover is so beautiful and easy. How much of our strength and energy… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden
How exciting to see not only what is ready to eat now — the greens and herbs and strawberries — but the promise of what will come throughout the summer, so long as my dedicated attentions continue; the weather is… (READ MORE)