Taxing Yoga?
I just received the following email that makes it easy for you to comment on the DC Council’s proposed tax on yoga classes. If you believe yoga should not be taxed, please take action as moved: Dear Elizabeth, We just… (READ MORE)
I just received the following email that makes it easy for you to comment on the DC Council’s proposed tax on yoga classes. If you believe yoga should not be taxed, please take action as moved: Dear Elizabeth, We just… (READ MORE)
said the guy who is doing the exterior painting and repairs to me this morning, after we were talking about what needed to be done with the stairs, and we talked a little to the downstairs resident who was on… (READ MORE)
One of the offerings in John Friend’s Anusara Teacher Training Manual, is the “four gates of speech,” which I believe comes from Buddhist practice. The four gates are: 1. Is it truthful? 2. Is it necessary to say? 3. Is… (READ MORE)
Having just returned from Arizona (yes, Sedona is in Arizona, as hard as that may be to believe from any perspective other than cartographically) from a meditation retreat, and having two more scheduled with my teacher at the same location… (READ MORE)
Several years ago, I was introduced to Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements in a yoga book group. I come back to them periodically. I am not usually one for self-help books, but I think the agreements are a wonderful… (READ MORE)
Dear Friends, What a glorious Spring we’re having! I’ve just returned from an expanding, nurturing, and deepening time of study in Sedona with meditation teacher Paul Muller-Ortega. Later in May, I will join fellow certified Anusara yoga teachers in North… (READ MORE)
Yesterday morning, before I read the article in the Washington Post I discussed in yesterday’s post, a memory of an acquaintance from Quaker youth camp entered my seated meditation. I had not thought about C in at least 30 years. … (READ MORE)
I read today a piece in the Washington Post about Hindus needing to “take back” yoga. I read the article and the comments with great interest because it has been a matter of much discussion with those in my meditation… (READ MORE)
My friend Dan posted some interesting thoughts about democracy on his blog. He is writing in the context of the Unitarian Universalist community, but the thoughts are equally applicable to our lives as citizens. The thoughts on democracy also for… (READ MORE)