What Did You Notice When You Started Your Day?
A Recent History of Willow Street Yoga Center
The winter 2012 Willow Street Newsletter is on-line. If you don’t already get it, please take a look at the great article by Suzie Hurley as she reflects on the history and development of Willow Street Yoga Center. I am… (READ MORE)
Have You Ever Seen a Woman Use a Leaf Blower?
There hasn’t been a day in the past two months when I haven’t needed to cover my nose, mouth, and ears because I needed to walk past someone using a leaf blower. They stink with burning fuel, stir up allergens,… (READ MORE)
Statuary Around Town (Takoma Park Style)
What About Love? (and Conflict Management Training)
Last week I attended a work-place training entitled “Conflict Management–Dealing with Difficult Conversations in the Workplace.” I do not do much training at work; the several hours a week I spend doing professional reading generally satisfies the needs of my… (READ MORE)