Signs Around Town
They’re Almost Here (Way Too Soon)
The cherry trees are starting to flower–two weeks earlier than an average spring and likely to set a record. In my own yard, the greens that over-wintered and are newly coming up are suffering from lack of rain and May/June… (READ MORE)
Being Present in the Present
Much is made by Westerners of the exhortation in Eastern practice to be in the present moment, but it often is used as justification for a feckless disregard for others, for our history, and for our own power to change… (READ MORE)
Tunnel Vision(s)
Latest on Solar Energy in DC (Lightening Your Carbon Footprint is a Great Way to Take Your Yoga Off the Mat)
For those of you in DC without your own roof, I just received this email (live in another jurisdiction–maybe you can get your state or county to sponsor similar legislation): Dear , DC Solar United Neighborhoods (DC SUN) has been… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Hold)
Signs Around Town
Message from a Bird
When we were little kids, my mother told us that feathers we found were messages from birds. When we found a particularly pretty feather, we would pick it up and give it to my mother who would then read the… (READ MORE)
Petting the Temple Cows
After a day of teaching and more discussion and emails regarding the upheaval, I had a memory of petting one of the temple cows at Chidambaram. I was jetlagged and in sensory overload, and then I petted a most wonderful… (READ MORE)