Podcast on Ayurveda for Yoga Students and Teachers
Thanks to the generous Cate Stillman for this podcast. What I like most about Cate’s perspective is her teaching that truly practicing Ayurveda is paying attention at the deepest level, including paying attention to what in the classic teaching of… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden (Front)
Signs Around Town
This sign was for a dry cleaner. I gave up dry cleaning (for the good of the environment) years ago, and this doesn’t want me to go back to having clothes cleaned with and impregnated by solvents (“organic” or otherwise)… (READ MORE)
Pre-Krishna Das Dinner Menu for Friends
*Coconut-Red Lentil Dal *Brown Basmati Rice with Cashews *Roasted Winter Vegetables (Including turnips from the garden and brussel sprouts in honor of St. Patrick’s Day) *Six Tastes Fresh Mango Chutney *Avocado Raita ~ Butterscotch-Ginger Cookies Peace and light, E —… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Relic)
The Importance of Words (and How and When We Use Them)
This video about when and how to use the word “gay” is wonderful–and the principles in it far more broadly applicable than just this topic. Thanks to those who are careful with their words and who have the courage to… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Found Objects Around Town
An Example of How Budget Problems Can Help the Environment (and It’s An Ill-Wind That Blows No Good)
Here’s the text of an email we received earlier in the week from building management: As a result of sequestration, effective Friday, March 8th the Frances Perkins Building (FPB) Facilities Management Office will be modifying the hours of operation for… (READ MORE)