On the Way to Work (Reminder of the Importance of Citizen Engagement)
Saturday Walkabout
Chanting (and the People’s Filibuster)
After work and before going to an evening asana class, I joined in at the People’s Filibuster on the looming tax bill. Speaking were a mixture of dedicated elected officials and people of the cloth. Several of the latter were… (READ MORE)
On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice
A Beautiful Day
I gave the state of the world some of my efforts and attention, but mostly I enjoyed a free day. I took a pleasant flow/yin class at Be Here Now on 8th Street, walked down to the river and then… (READ MORE)
On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice
Tea Bag Advice
Garden of Endurance
I’m finding reentry more challenging than I first thought. I thought it might be helpful to remind myself of my travels–and that I travel to come home with more capacity to participate as much and best I can. The Garden… (READ MORE)